Dr. Gowds' Dental Hospitals  | Preferred Dental Clinic for Root Canal Treatment in Hyderabad

Preferred Dental Clinic for Root Canal Treatment in Hyderabad

The general perception about Root Canal Treatment (RCT) is that it is painful, and this causes false apprehensions in the minds of many when considering treatment. This eventually delays the treatment aggravating the problem. The Truth is that RCT relieves pain – not cause pain. RCT is usually considered if you have a tooth decay, dead nerve, cracked or chipped tooth and dental trauma.

Typically patients visit the dentist office in a stressed state with severe pain, (in the last stage where the infection has seeped into the innermost layer of the tooth, the pulp or the root canal) when the tooth is badly infected and deteriorated. Delay in the treatment of the infected tooth may eventually lead to complications.

Therefore awareness – about the root canal problem, the treatment process, the techniques used, or the importance of a proficient endodontist (root canal specialist) to treat root canals – save the patient from unnecessary stress and tooth deterioration. The goal of root canal treatment is to restore the affected tooth with appropriate treatment, but not extraction. Getting RCT done, helps restore your infected tooth, clear the infection and bring back your original smile, comfort, and confidence.

Dr. Gowds -The Most Preferred Dental Hospital for Root Canal Treatment in Hyderabad

Dr. Gowd’s Dental Hospitals, are one of the renowned hospitals in Hyderabad that offers solutions to treat most dental problems, effectively and painlessly with the state-of-the-art facility. In fact, Dr. Gowd’s Dental Hospital is the first dental setup in Hyderabad and Secunderabad, to treat root canals, since 1980.

Advanced equipment: With advanced equipment for diagnosis and treatment of RCT, such as RVG, Electronic Pulp tester, Rotary endodontics, Thermafill, Dental LASERs, the treatment time now has been reduced to less than an hour, from 3-4 sittings in a traditional RCT.

Though the infection has spread to the pulp or the root canal, the tooth is saved. In most cases, after saving the tooth we can also avoid antibiotics and pain killers with the use of advanced equipment.

Advanced technology: The root-canal-treated tooth can be restored with our in-house CEREC CAD-CAM system which is computer-assisted design/manufactured wherein, the patient’s mould is scanned and the crown milled with the aid of the computer. This can be done in about an hour and save time and discomfort for the patient. The patient can leave the dental office on the same day with the permanent definite set of teeth.

The Root Canal Treatment is followed by building up of the lost tooth structure with posts within the canals before reinforcing them with the core filling. This treatment basically clears the root cause of the pain and inflammation.

With advancement in endodontics, this procedure can be done in one single sitting, unlike the traditional treatment, in several appointments.

Patient Safety and Comfort: It’s pertinent to make sure you’re in safe hands, with experienced qualified endodontists, in a hygienic, comfortable, friendly ambiance. Good infrastructure and advanced technology simplifies treatment and enhances patient comfort.

So, making an informed decision about choosing the right clinic and the endodontist for your RCT is very important to be well treated and cured effectively.

“You can trust Dr. Gowd’s for their vast experience, skilled dentists, patient care & comfort and their advanced treatment procedures”, tell our patients, at Dr. Gowd’s Dental Hospitals, Hyderabad.


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Dr. Gowds' Dental Hospitals  | Preferred Dental Clinic for Root Canal Treatment in Hyderabad
Dr. Gowds' Dental Hospitals  | Preferred Dental Clinic for Root Canal Treatment in Hyderabad
Dr. Gowds' Dental Hospitals  | Preferred Dental Clinic for Root Canal Treatment in Hyderabad

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